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 Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda Knowledge Center and Blog
This section includes several topics to answer your questions about Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda.  Just click the drop down box above to choose the general topic.  There you will find videos, recipes, instructions on the use of products and educational topics about Ayurveda in general and the specific teachings of SV Ayurveda.
Or you can connect to the various topics by clicking the links here:
Dr. Beech's SV Ayurveda Health Tips SV Ayurveda Knowledge Treating Specific Conditions
Vaidya Mishra SV Ayurveda Lineage SV Ayurveda Protocols Dr Beech's & Vaidya Mishra's Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Seminar
SVA Breakfast Recipes  SVA Bread Recipes SVA Chutney Recipes
SVA Dessert & Snack Recipes SVA Detox Recipes SVA Grains & Lentil Recipes
SVA Probiotic Recipes SVA Protein Recipes SVA Therapeutic Recipes
SVA Vegetable Recipes Other SVA Recipes SVA Spice Mixes & Ghee