Transdermal Creams
All of our Transdermal Creams are meticulously formulated using the purest raw materials according to the strict SVAFF (Shaka Vansiya Ayurvedic Family Foundation) standards as outlined by Vaidya Mishra. NO artificial ingredients, preservatives, alcohol, Benzene or heavy metals are used. Only the Intelligence of Nature.
Transdermal absorption has been used in Ayurveda for centuries and it being used today in Modern Medicine as well. This is because the skin is an extremely efficient gateway to the physiology. About 75% of what is placed on the skin absorbs into the blood stream. Vaidya Mishra created Transdermal formulas because we found that many patient's digestive systems couldn't cope up with raw herbs. When the colon and liver have been chronically burdened with processed foods, chemicals, alcohol and other toxins, the whole digestive process can become inefficient and less intelligent. Thus, even healing herbs can't be digested properly and can become toxic themselves. Transdermal absorption gives us an alternative delivery gateway to bloodstream of healing herbs while taking stress off the already overloaded digestive system.
These creams are highly intelligent. That means they contain the vibrational intelligence of the herbs call Prabhava as well as the micro molecules called Shuksma Bag. This makes them very effective in their result without the risk of drug/herb interactions that can occur when using raw herbs.
The base is made of Shea Butter and various oils and aromas. All ingredients are very pure. NO synthetic ingredients are used. Also, there are no artificial preservatives, parabens or alcohols used in the creams.
The only caution is that Shea Butter is a lipid and remains on the skin for a few minutes. So take precautions to not stain your clothes.