This is a delicious Oatmeal recipe cooked with spices, walnuts and raisins.
- 3-4 crushed cardamom pods
- 2 pinches of saffron
- 1 clove
- 1 tiny stick of cinnamon
- A few pieces of walnuts.
- 1/8 cup of raisins
- 1/4 cup of whole oats
- 1/2 cup of Whole Organic milk.
Using a saucepan, sauté the spices and walnuts in ghee on a medium heat for about 1 minute. Then add the oatmeal and toast the oatmeal. Then add the milk and raisins. Bring to a medium boil and cook for about 5 minutes or until the oatmeal is cooked. Add raw sugar or raw honey to taste.