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Poppy Seed Chutney for Insomnia

This is one of the first recipes Vaidya Mishra taught me for insomnia.  It is unique because:

  1. Powerful aid to sleep by balancing both Pitta and Vata (rare effect)
  2. Pacifies Vata, especially in the mind (Prana)
  3. Pacifies Pitta in the heart and mind (Sadhaka)
  4. These are the two most likely to interfere with good quality sleep


  • 1 teaspoon of white poppy seeds
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut powder (fresh grated is best)
  • Pinches of cumin and tumeric
  • Small amount of Ghee (clarified butter)


  1. Mix white poppy seeds with coconut powder.
  2. Add small amounts of water while mixing until it is a thick paste.
  3. Melt Ghee in a frying pan until it becomes clear (cloudiness is gone)
  4. Add tumeric and cumin, mix well.
  5. Remove immediately, simmer off heat until color and aroma change.
  6. Add to poppy seed mixture, mix well, let stand 5 minutes.
  7. Add a little cooling soma salt salt to taste.

The clarity of the Ghee is important in the cooking. When it is clear, this indicates that the water has been removed and the heat is just right for bringing out all the benefits of the herbs.